New York's invaluable Irish Rep Theater is currently reviving Hugh Leaonard's D a-- the title character being the father from whom his son Charlie would like to distance himself. But this being an Irish play, the old guy refuses to stay put even after he's dead -- or as Charlie puts it
"he keeps coming back like a yo-yo."
This being a memory play we also see Charlie being interviewed for his first job by the dour Mr. Drumm who knows the boy is too smart for it and advises him not to take it with this pungent simile "jobs are like lobster pots, harder to get out of than into. . ." And sure enough, it takes thirteen years for Charlie to get out of that figurative lobster pot.
Once he is in London and a successful playwright he wants his aging Da to come live with him and greets the old man's refusal with "you'd rather stay here instead like a maggot in a cabbage and die of neglect."
Here's a link to Curtainup's review of the production
Not the best example of colorful speech. Great headline, no payoff.